Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Cardinal Rule #1

Greetings ladies,

I hope this post finds each of you well and in spectacular spirits. I humbly write to you via this post with a topic that is not necessarily 100% on track with my mission to heal the hearts of the creations that bear the seeds of men, but in a sense it is. There have been times that I have been listening to my sisters and close lady friends as they divulge encounters they have had with the opposite sex. There is one encounter (as a matter of fact it is my #1 cardinal rule) in particular that is quite a bit interesting and disturbing that many adult men seem to neglect; so interesting that a grown man somewhere in America passes away everyday and still didn't know this is something you should never do. Please don't get me wrong, as I look back on my life I've broken this rule as well, but I was but a mere lad then, and didn't know any better (like most young boys don't). I then saw/heard how unsuccessful a vast majority of the attempts were and it became my #1 cardinal rule in how to handle a woman with finesse.

What is this cardinal rule of mine that I speak of? A MAN SHOULD NEVER ASK FOR THE PANTIES. NEVER. A woman is supposed to invite a man to the bedroom. For most women (especially a woman with any sense of self and her worth), that is the ultimate turn-off to a woman. I don't completely understand women (and I never will), but I do know this...a woman has an idea of whether or not she will invite a man to the bedroom if the opportunity presented itself, within moments of first laying eyes on him, and she knows for a fact if she would, when she gets the chance to actually speak with him and something worth listening to parts his lips. But as you know, often times he hangs himself and talks himself right out of even pulling into the driveway of your home with the senseless words that pass through his lips. I've heard this request being made during the initial meeting of a woman, and I've heard it made in only a matter of time (i.e. days) after the initial meeting. Don't get me wrong, some attempts with asking this question have been successful when asked to a woman that has no sense of self and her worth, but to me that is the most idiotic assumption to think that just because success was achieved with one woman (who just so happens to be in need of a daddy because perhaps she lacked one all of her life...oh, that's another reason dads you need to be active in your daughters life, it significantly decreases the chances of her becoming the guy I speak of's prey) it will be achieved with all women. All I'm asking is...where is the respect? One thing I was taught, was being selfless and respectful will lengthen your journey through life. One of my sisters told me a guy she had known for about two weeks asked her if she would have sex with him for his birthday (and not in those exact words), but they had never even been on a date prior to this question being presented; as a matter of fact, the first and last time they saw one another was during the initial meeting. Of course, he was unsuccessful and she cussed his ass out, but when she told me about it, I grew so pissed that I literally wanted to put my fist through this character's skull. Its about respect at the end of the day. I am willing to bet, if this same guy was out with his mom and she just so happened to be one of those "hot/vibrant" creations of a woman, and some character mustered up the audacity to ask his mom that question...he will erupt like a Hawaiian volcano. With this said, I am baffled as to how one seemingly forgets the fact that he definitely has a mother, maybe a sister, maybe even a daughter.

What I am about to say, I say with complete honesty and in a humble tone. I will forgo and have forgone the temptation, and the physical sensation of intimacy brought by attraction to women I have been in the presence of because I understand this cardinal rule and the fact that respect gets you further than disrespect anytime POINT, BLANK, PERIOD. Ladies you are someone's mother, daughter, sister, auntie, etc. and respect is what you deserve.


  1. You are so right about the respect of a woman. Some women need to have more respect for themselves .In the same token, some guys who call themselves men need to realize that all women are not alike therefore, we can not be approached in the same manner. I totally respect and appreciate you for being a man a speaking out about this in such an intellegent way.

  2. You are absolutely right, but there are some women out there like that. From a male perspective, and in my opinion, it doesn't matter how a woman presents herself she still doesn't deserve to be disrespected. I thank you for your readership and your kind words about me. Please feel free to share this blog with your lady friends.


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