Monday, May 24, 2010

The One that Likes You; The One that Loves You

I want to preface this by saying it takes a lot of heart to write some of the things I write because we live in such a judgmental society, but when you're sure of yourself the judgmental characters of many don't matter (mind over matter...I don't mind because they don't matter). I write because my mission is to strengthen and heal the hearts of the creations that bear the seeds of men, and encourage them not to lose hope. I often write as a result of things I witness and the experiences I listen to, both of which become genuine words from the mind and heart of an intricate brother.

Day in and day out, there is a woman somewhere that has become fed up, bitter, angry, malicious, etc. because she has given her all to a certain guy (like most women do because it is innate in their creation) that does not treasure her and her giving. Many of you have probably asked yourself, "why is it that I attract deficient quality men?" or "why can't I get a break in the relationship area of my life", wait, my favorite one is..."where are all of the good men?" (please don't get me wrong, the message you are about to read can be found as sound advice for the male species as well, because successful, ambitious men have to steer clear, and take heed to this also). Comedian Kat Williams asked the question in his stand up act "Pimp Chronicles", "have you ever thought what is it about you that attracts deficient quality brothers?" (and not in those exact words lol). Don't get me wrong, I thought his choice of words were perfect for what he was aiming to achieve for the show, but this is my attempt to expound upon those words in a non-comical, and philosophical manner.

The philosophy is rather simple. You ready? Here we go; there's two parts to this. Part #1: Enter into a relationship with the person that likes you and not the person you like. Part #2: Marry the person that loves you and not the person you love. When first reading this, you may immediately disagree, but I want you to think about what is being said. Part #1 doesn't insinuate that you enter into a relationship with a person you don't like. It merely says, get into a relationship with not only the person you like, but the person that reciprocates the same likeness for you. The same goes for part #2. The only way you will know these things is through the delay of time and the surveillance of actions.

Some women tend to often times get so wrapped up in the physical (and the physical is very important now, because you want to be able to stand the sight of the guy lol) that they neglect their emotional needs. If the only thing that comes to mind is how attractive he is and you start digging for other reasons just to dress up the relationship, or justify that its more than the physical when the thought of why you're with him arises...don't do that to yourself. The worst thing you can ever do to yourself is fool yourself; the one person you should definitely be able to trust is yourself. Furthermore, some women become starry eyed and say "Yes" at the sight of an engagement ring and thought of the subsequent activities that follow, and know the love & bond that are key ingredients for a successful marriage were never there for the last 2 years or however long it has been. It takes two to bond...have you ever tried to glue something to nothing? What happened? It fell out of your hand didn't it? Can you see the irony in that?

I say all of this with confidence, because it honestly makes sense to me; enter into a relationship with the person that likes you and not just the person you like; marry the person that loves you and not just the person you love. For instance, my best friend, married his high school sweetheart of 9 or 10 years. I was able to witness the bond they have and I know they married one another because they love each other. I was able to bear witness to the bond one of my female friends has for her husband she recently married, and I know for a fact they married one another because they love each other because Mrs. Lady right there does not play when it comes to her heart and her life lol.

All I'm saying is, keep this philosophy in mind as a guide to help you make better choices. A man dislikes encountering a woman with a chip on her shoulder. You may not be bitter, but hey its not hard to become that way if you don't take heed to the reasoning behind the relational decisions you make.

From my heart to yours,


  1. I think a lot of women already know this, but forget it when they meet someone, especially when they get a little desperate just to have someone in their lives. My grandma always said, "Make sure your husband loves you more than you love him." You can't throw that age old wisdom out the window...

  2. Lo_lah, you are absolutely correct. It is not the easiest philosophy to maintain implementation of, but your grandma said it best. Personally, I think the use of the heart and mind together should be exercised to help make the right judgment call, instead of what is projected through your optical sense.


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