Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is His Spirit Right

Greetings ladies,

I hope this post finds each of you well and strengthened. I apologize for being so late in writing another post. I tend to only write when I'm inspired by something; this way it comes from no place but my heart. My aim is not to write just to write, but when I do write, my goal is to deliver an inspiring and uplifting message that speaks to your heart.

The message you are about to read is very key and I believe will help many of you. The other week I went through what I found out to be a spiritual warfare. It was a time where, for that entire week my world just felt like it was out of equilibrium until I decided to just stop everything I was doing and pick up any Godly literature that I have in my house. I mean, I was like "wait! what the heck is going on with me right now?" After reading my literature, I felt my world coming back into balance; I was rescued from the unexpected chaos I had experienced the entire week. After I regained my balance, I remembered something I always hear one of my sister's say which is..."she wants a God-fearing man; a man that is spiritually grounded." It was after my week of imbalance when I knew what she meant by this.

What this experience taught me was, a man can't lead his household (which is what he was invented to do) if his spirit isn't right. A man can't be all of the great things he "says" (I put that in quotes not to say everything that comes out of a man's mouth is not genuine, but lets be real...I'm sure you've heard more BS vernacular thrown your way than you've heard vernacular characterized as indubitable; I know because I used to do it when I was a boy lol), but back to what I was saying...he can't be all of the great things he "says" he will and wants to be to you if his spirit isn't right. I'll admit I am not the most spiritual straw in the haystack. I don't go around quoting scriptures to folks, but I am a firm believer that man has to be spiritually grounded to be all that you need him to be. Ladies, pay attention to a man's spirit. Pay attention to his words, his actions, his eyes (the eyes tell it all; there is something about the way I look at a woman when I have gotten to know her, when the chemistry is there, and my interest has been heightened exponentially), and also pay attention to the little things like how often he smiles. Don't get so wrapped up in the physical because the physical can't do anything for the fragile, delicate, and emotional internal design of a woman. If you want chaos, ignore his spirit. If not (which I'm sure you don't), pay attention to it.

I_Treasure_U Signing Off.

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