Friday, May 21, 2010

Good Women and Not So Good Men

Hello Ladies,

I was talking to one of my really good lady friends, and it was on my heart this morning to send this message to you all. What you are about to read may or may not pertain to you. It is possible it may pertain to somebody you know. My job is to just plant the seed and let it take root.

It is my assumption that most if not all of you are very exceptional women in relationships. When you choose to share your life with a man, you do all that you know you can to fulfill your duties in which you signed up for with this man. You go out of your way to show this man that you love him, you care for him, and you have his best interest at heart. BUT, there's a problem. You also feel unappreciated, you feel neglected, you try to talk to your man, but that is of only the same equivalence as talking to a can of paint. Needless to say, he continues with his apparent unappreciative ways, his ways that make you question whether this man really loves you, he neglects you for his podnuhs MOST if not ALL of the time. BUT, nothing changes about you. You continue to be that woman you know to be for the man you love; you know...the woman I spoke of a few lines ago, the woman that you've often had day dreams about being to your man. UNTIL, you get fed up. Then you become bitter. You put this wall up. You are hurt. You are afraid. You are confused. AND THEN all of these ingredients turn into the phrases often uttered. "I'M JUST GONNA DO ME FROM NOW ON"; "I'M NOT GONNA BE THE WOMAN I USED TO BE FOR ANOTHER MAN...WHY SHOULD I?". From these ingredients and those phrases comes the often spoken of "ATTITUDE" or "Impression" that you don't want to be bothered that women have when a man approaches them on a night out. Because of all of these ingredients that brought about these phrases and emissions of the "Leave me the hell alone" persona, you have probably missed your good man.

Ladies, you have to stop being good to men that don't deserve your goodness. I am a self-proclaimed ladies man. I think the only other person that genuinely loves the ladies more than I do is the Lord (that's my opinion please don't judge me for saying that...opinions are like yesterdays, everybody has one). I absolutely love you all; point, blank, period. I've learned that when a man takes care of his woman's spiritual and emotional needs (notice I didn't say anything about physical or sexual because men have proven over the years, that is the EASY part, the challenge comes in with the spiritual and emotional, and 10 times out of 9 they fail; we're not going to even get into financial lol, because half of these negroes are perpetrators when it comes to that...asses know they ain't got no damn money, but say shit like "girl let me take you shopping"...negroe please). But when a man takes care of the spiritual and emotional needs of a woman, she will automatically take care of him. Its like she naturally does it without even thinking about it. Let that man show you what you mean to him, before you go to the moon and back for him. You feed off of his interaction with you. If he shows you (shows you, not tells you) you are the world to him, that is your cue to show him he is the world to you. If his ass shows you you aren't worth more than the dirt under his shoes, that's when you show him the same.

Women are emotional beings for a reason. God purposely made you all that way. He made you all that way, because it is the only way you will be able to fulfill the role He created you for. YOU are the heart of the relationship, the heart of the marriage, the heart of the HOUSEHOLD. It is not your job to train and raise a man in an effort to show him how to be a man to you; that's what you do with YOUR son, NOT the son of somebody else.

Ladies, I'm going to leave you with these words from my heart on today. The sooner you stop being good to no good men, the sooner you will find that man that knows how to cater to your spiritual and emotional needs. Because now you aren't bitter, now you don't have that wall up, now you aren't hurt (because you didn't let his sorry behind drain you), now you are not confused, most you aren't afraid to love again.

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