Sunday, June 27, 2010

Magnets and Women

Greetings to each of you lovely ladies,

I hope this post finds each of you well and in upbeat spirits. I recently greeted one of my lady friends by saying "Hello my queen, what have you been up to?" She responded, "looking for my king." I responded saying, "keep conducting yourself like a queen and you'll find your king." We've all heard the saying...there is someone for everyone. I often hear women talk about the quality of men they attract whether they make the choice to entertain them or not. Women are like magnets. A magnet is an item that possesses the property of attracting certain substances. Women have an uncanny ability to attract a vast array of "substances" (that's what the male species will be referred for purposes of this post lol). More often than not, they happen to be substances that are not wanted. Some of you may know this, (but there's nothing wrong with hearing it from a man, to some of you it might actually be refreshing to hear, and their might be readers who actually need to read this)...who you attract is a product of how you carry yourself. Let me repeat that...WHO YOU ATTRACT IS A PRODUCT OF HOW YOU CARRY YOURSELF. I know what you're thinking and trust me, I understand there are some substances out there that will approach you no matter how you look and carry yourself, and its unfortunate this is a recurring occurrence; most substances just seem to ignore, don't realize, or don't care about the fact that a woman is out of their league. But despite this often expected yet unforeseeable mishap in judgment on their behalf, depending on where a woman is in her life and how she was raised, she is in search of someone that fits into her world. My belief is its as simple as this...
  • A woman that conducts herself like a queen attracts a substance called a king instead of a peasant
  • A woman that conducts herself like a wife attracts a substance that is worthy of being a husband
  • A woman with a beautiful spirit attracts a substance with a comparable spirit that will never let hers die
  • A woman with an unpleasant spirit attracts no substance at all
  • A woman with a vision attracts a substance with a vision who will provide support in her achievement of that vision
  • A woman that carries a demeanor motivated by material things will attract a substance who is only motivated to buy her and lacks the wherewithal to love her
  • A woman that conducts herself like a Jezebel attracts a substance called a pimp or other misguided substances
  • Lastly, a woman attracts a substance called a man. A girl attracts a substance called a boy.
One important key to finding what you want ladies, is to be cognizant of the energy you emit into the atmosphere. The best way to do this is to make up your mind as to what you are and stand firmly on it. Life is all about what you believe, what you believe comes from within, and what is within always radiates on the outside.

From my heart to yours,

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